hello from kerri world family crew

Hello from Kerri | World Family Crew

Hi, my name is Kerri and I have been with World Family Club for almost a year now! When I first became part of the family, I helped Miss Meike with the Summer Drama classes and now, I do Telephone English every week and occasionally Baby Toddler activities. It's been so much fun meeting all the boys and girls and I love getting to know you either through the phone or face to face.When I am not talking to the boys and girls at World Family Club, I study Creative Media and Marketing at City University here in Hong Kong. I enjoy studying Photography, Video Filming and Editing and graphic design. I'm very excited as I'm going to graduate in a couple of months.


My favorite thing to do is to go travelling! I love exploring new and unfamiliar places and seeing them in real life instead of on a screen or in magazines and books. My favorite places that I have visited are England, California and Thailand. I got to visit one of the Wonders of the World, Stonehenge, in England, I got to see the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and I got to see my favorite animal in Thailand, the Elephant!


When I have free time, I like to exercise. I've done Taekwondo for almost 6 years and have performed it in front of different schools and for events, I've learnt how to tap dance for 6 years as well. Other than that, I like to do all kinds of dance, go hiking and I am now learning how to do Aerial Silks and Rock Climbing. Singing with all the boys and girls from World Family is so enjoyable because everyone is always doing such a great job! Keep up the good work and I can't wait to meet even more boys and girls in the future. Remember to say hi to me when you see me or when we speak on the phone during Telephone English.

大家好!我叫 Kerri,我加入寰宇家庭俱樂部差不多已有1年了!初加入時,我與美語姐姐Meike一同帶領夏日話劇班,而現在,我每星期會做電話美語,偶爾也會負責嬰/幼兒的活動。能夠接觸那麼多小朋友,實在是一個很有趣的體驗,我喜歡透過電話或面對面認識他們。當我不用在寰宇家庭俱樂部與小朋友聊天時,我在香港城市大學攻讀創意媒體和市場學。我喜歡鑽研攝影、影片拍攝和剪接、平面設計。還有數月我便會完成這個學位,真的很期待畢業呢。





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