hello from alisha world family crew

Hello from Alisha | World Family Crew

Hello Everyone! My name is Alisha and I was born and raised in Hong Kong! I have always been excited to work with young children, especially using music, singing, and dancing as a positive method to teach English. A good friend told me about World Family Club and I love being able to use music, singing and dancing to create a wonderfully fun, interactive and engaging English learning environment.

When performing at WFC as well as talking to all the boys and girls in Telephone English, I am constantly reminded how fun and meaningful it is. Seeing and hearing boys and girls smile, laugh or get a positive emotional reaction is truly rewarding and touching. It is so rewarding when you can see, hear and feel a child’s progress. I most enjoy seeing children get excited over DWE songs and shows we perform and speaking to them during free talks in TE.

I love the positive energy and family-like circle that WFC brings. I am extremely happy to able to see all the boys and girls singing along with me in shows and in Telephone English – Sometimes I even hear my mom singing Magic is Easy at home! She likes the songs, just as much as me!Remember boys and girls, never give up and follow your dreams! Because you are a STAR!


在寰宇家庭表演和用電話美語 (TE) 與孩子交談時,我總是感到很歡樂和有意義。每當聽到孩子們的笑聲、或看到他們積極的反應,特別是感受到他們的進步時,確實令我感到十分值得和感動。我最喜歡看到孩子們很興奮地投入在DWE歌曲和表演中,還有與孩子在TE自由對話中交談。

我喜歡寰宇家庭帶來的正能量和一個大家庭的感覺。我真的很高興能夠看到所有小朋友都在美語活動和TE中與我一起唱歌!有時候我甚至聽見我的媽媽在家裡唱Magic is Easy!她和我一樣也很喜歡這首歌!各位小朋友,你們要記住永遠都不要放棄,追隨自己的夢想!因為你就是明日之星!

緊貼 World Family Hong Kong Facebook 
於Instagram Hash TAG #WorldFamilyHongKong 分享您使用「迪士尼美語世界」Disney World of English 的時刻吧!


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Copy of Colourful Cassette Tapes Retro Music YouTube Channel Art (6)





